Rules, Regulations & Prices for Show Exhibitors 2023.
Please read the following information for Exhibitors covering regulations, entry fees and prize money for all livestock, horses and walking sticks / crooks.
Grand Parade Rules
Grand Parade of Prize Animals and Presentation of Cups will be led out by the Champion of Champions. No prize money will be given out until the Grand Parade is complete.
Animals winning Champion, Reserve Champion, 1st, 2ndor 3rd Prize in Cattle, Goat and Horse Sections (which have been judged) are required to take part in the Grand Parade.
Livestock Regulations
- For animals to be eligible for confined prizes, owners must reside within the confined area.
- BVD VIRUS - All cattle must have a negative herd status for BVD or be individually tested negative for the BVD virus. A declaration must be shown when collecting numbers/entering at the Secretary’s Tent and before unloading animals.
- CATTLE PASSPORTS - Passports must accompany all cattle to the Show by order of SGRPID.
- MAEDI/VISNA - All accredited sheep must provide MAEDI/VISNA form. A declaration must be shown when collecting numbers/entering at the Secretary’s Tent and before unloading animals.
- SHEEP SECTION: SCRAPIE DECLARATION - Sheep exhibitors must comply with the following: All females of all breeds except Dorset Horn, Polled Dorset & Finnish Landrace to be entered and exhibited are (a) Non pregnant (empty) (b) Have not lambed within 30 days prior to the Show (c) Not subject to procedures which change the seasonal breeding patterns.
- In the Cattle Section, one-year-olds must show no Broad teeth and two-year-olds must show Broad teeth only and the person in charge must show the animal’s teeth when asked by the Judge or Steward.
- In Blackface Sheep Classes, all rams and hogs must be clipped after 1stApril of the current year. Ewes to be shown rough or clipped, except where specified in the Schedule.
- Any artificial contrivance or device of any description found on or proved to have been used on an animal, either for preventing the flow of milk or for any other improper purposes, will disqualify that animal from being awarded a prize.
- No Member shall be allowed to bring stock on to the ground that has had any notifiable disease in his stock within a period of three months prior to the day of the Show.
- No person shall be allowed within the ring while the Judges are making their awards – other than Stewards and Assistant Stewards. No persons shall in any way interfere with, or obstruct any Judge, Steward or Assistant Steward of the Show while in the execution of their duty.
- Except in the Grand Parade and Championship Classes, no animal shall be allowed in the Judging Ring with a prize ticket attached.
- It will be the Steward’s duty to see that no obstruction is offered to the Judge and to assist the Judge in every necessary respect. Should any difficulty arise, the Steward should communicate with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and/or Secretary.
- The Show is subject to the Orders issued by the relevantAuthorities and it is the responsibility of exhibitors to be familiar and comply with these.
- No protests will be received unless lodged, in writing, giving particulars to the Secretary within 7 days of date of Show, along with a deposit of £10.00 for each protest, which shall be forfeited if the objection is over-ruled. The Committee shall have full power to settle all disputes, questions, differences and claims arising at or in connection with the Show and their decision shall be final and binding on all parties. The Chairman, failing whom the Vice- Chairman, shall have power to convene at any time an emergency Committee Meeting on the Showground to dispose of any matter that he may consider urgent.
- Cups or Trophies, in competition for more than one year, must be returned to the Secretary’s Office by the winner, holder or custodian, at least fourteen days prior to the forthcoming Show. Such winner, holder or custodian, shall by taking delivery of a Cup or other prize be responsible for its proper care, safe custody and due return and shall be required by the Committee, at any time, find security for its care, safe custody and return. Such winners, etc., shall remain responsible until they obtain acknowledgement of due return from the Secretary.
- If a Cup or Trophy is lost or damaged then it will be the winner, holder or custodian’s responsibility to inform the Secretary and they therefore may be required to replace this.
- Members’ Subscriptions and Entry Money must be paid to the Treasurer before or when entry of stock, etc., is made. No exhibit can be shown until such dues are paid. The Annual Subscription is £8.00. £2.00 to be paid towards First Aiders in attendance.
- Late entries will be accepted on the day at double entry fee, membership and first aid for all horse entries. Late entries for horses will close at 1pm.
- No animals may be entered for a Championship and Special Prizes unless entered in a Class in that Section.
- This Show is affiliated to many Societies, details of which can be found in each Section. These Societies’ rules must be obeyed.
- Any Member found guilty of willfully breaking any foregoing regulations will forfeit all claims to any prizes and may be excluded from Membership of the Society.
- Competitors entering in more than one section (where not otherwise specifically prohibited) accept the risk that timing may prohibit them from competing.
- Any Brood Mare losing her foal will automatically qualify for the Yeld Mare Class where applicable.
- Any animal not under the control of handler or rider MUST, if asked by Show Director or Steward, leave the ring immediately.
- Exhibitors MUST wear the appropriate numbers for the correct class to avoid confusion when judging or exhibitor will be disqualified. This also applies in the Parade.
- White coats or smart dress must be worn.
- Pens will be provided for mares with foals in the Shetland Pony, Highland Pony and Clydesdales Horse Sections. No charge is made. Pens will not be available for any other Pony Classes.
- Provision will be made for the appropriate segregation of Accredited Sheep and CAE accredited Goats.
- There will be provision made for the segregation of IBR cattle onlywith prior arrangement.
- Official Show Farrier will be on site all day.
- Numbers for all livestock, Horses, Private Driving and Vintage Tractors will notbe sent out but can be collected on show day from the Secretary’s Tent.
- Details of employees who are eligible to receive the RHASS Long Service Medalcan be given to the Secretary.
- The Society and its Officers, shall not be responsible to any person whatsoever whilst upon the Showground or while entering or leaving the same, for any damage or loss, however caused, to the property of any such person or for any injury, fatal or otherwise, to any such person. The Society and its Officers, shall not be responsible for any accident, damage or loss, however caused, that may occur to any exhibitor or his employees or to any animal, article or property brought in to the Showground or while entering or leaving or being carried into or out of the said Showground. Each exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may be done to, or occasioned by, or arising from any animal, article or property exhibited or brought into the Showground by him\her and he\she shall indemnify and hold harmless the Society from and against all actions, suits, expenses and claims on account of or in respect of any such damage or injury which may be caused or occasioned.
In the event of new animal health legislation being enacted between now and the date of this Show, exhibitors will be expected to abide by any new conditions of that legislation.
Shepherds' Crooks & Walking Sticks Regulations
- All exhibits must be the bona fide work of the Exhibitor in whose name the entry is made.
- All exhibits must be delivered to the Steward no later than 9.45 a.m. on Saturday, 4thJuly 2020.
- Judging shall commence at 10.00 a.m. No exhibits shall be removed before 4.00 p.m.
- No challenge of entries, classification of exhibits, awards of Judges or any other procedure shall be competent after 1.00 p.m. on the day of the show. All challenges must be lodged with the Secretary in writing before that time along with the sum of £5 which will be returned if the objection is sustained.
- Novice stick dressers must not have shown for more than three years.
Except where stated otherwise in the Prize List, the prizes in all Classes will be as follows:
Cattle & Vintage Sections | Sheep & Goats | Crook Making | |
1st | £15 | £10 | £5 |
2nd | £10 | £7 | £3 |
3rd | £5 | £5 | £1.50 |
- Champion of Champions - £100, Reserve Champion - £50
- Interbreed Cattle Champion - £40, Reserve Champion - £20
- Interbreed Sheep Champion - £40, Reserve Champion - £20
Horse Section Prize Money
Prize money will be issued according to the number of entries, this will be implemented by the Section Stewards
- 1st = 1 to 3 entries
- 2nd = 1 to 5 entries
- 3rd = over 6 entries
Collecting Prize Money
The Prize Money won at the Show will be handed from the Secretary’s Tent. Prize Winners’ vouchers along with any Trophy cards should be exchanged at the Secretary’s Tent AFTER THE GRAND PARADE AND BEFORE 5.00pm. Prize Money not claimed on Show Day will be forfeited.
ALL Trophies must be collected from the Secretary’s Tent in exchange for the Trophy Card on the day of the Show.
Admission Charges
- Adults - £10.00
- OAPs / Concessions - £5.00
- Children U16 - FREE
- Car Park - FREE
Livestock Admits
Two adults per animal entered. Further admits issued according to number of total livestock entered.
Additional Information
Ringside car parking is not permitted, except for disabled and elderly persons who may obtain special ringside permits from the Secretary on prior application only.
Refunds will not be given under any circumstances.